KCA Operations Manual
Kootenay Christian Academy is committed to excellence in education within the context of Biblical truth. This manual sets forth the policies, principles and general guidelines by which the school will operate. These policies and procedures are intended to provide the Board, Administration, and Staff with clear guidelines and procedures for the operation of the school.
The existing policies and procedures, having been passed by the Board after careful deliberation, are intended to enable the Administration and Staff to carry out their daily responsibilities with freedom and confidence. A schedule for reviews will be set by the board in consultation with the principal, and policies and procedures will be updated and modernized as necessary. The Board is ultimately accountable to God and should consider exceptions & revisions to policy in this regard.
It is our prayer that these policies and procedures will help the school to provide children with a Christ-centered and academically responsible education so that Parents may be helped in fulfilling their responsibility to bring up their children in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
For more information about KCA policies, please contact boardchair@kcacademy.ca
Simply click on the Policy Categories below to locate and review individual KCA Policies.
- Financial Policies
- Tuition Rates
- 3.01 Budget Policy
- 3.02 Revenue Policy
- 3.03 Expenditure Policy
- 3.04 Savings Policy
- 3.05 Accountability Policy
- 3.06 Travel Expense Policy
- 3.07 Financial Aid Guidelines
- 3.08 Tuition Assistance Merit System
- 3.09 Purchasing
- 3.10 Tuition Discount Policy
- 3.11 Church and KCA Board Enrolment Sponsorship Policy
- 3.12 Cash Payment Policy
- 3.13 Donations Policy
- 3.14 Donor Recognition Policy
- 3.15 Corporate Sponsorship Guidelines Policy
- 4.01 Hiring Policy
- 4.02 Hiring of a Relative Policy
- 4.03 Teacher Qualification Policy
- 4.04 Teacher Performance Evaluation Procedure
- 4.05 Principal Evaluation Policy
- 4.06 Leave of Absence Policy
- 4.07 Vacation and Other Leave
- 4.08 Teacher on Call Policy
- 4.09 Professional Development for all Staff
- 4.10 Staff Reduction
- 4.11 Staff Recall
- 4.12 Teacher Work Breaks & Preparation Periods
- 4.13 Compensation Policy
- 4.14 Benefits Policy
- 4.15 Community Standards Policy
- 4.16 Conflict of Interest & Disclosure
- 4.17 Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Statement
- 4.18 Conflict Resolution
- 4.21 Health and Safety Committee
- 4.22 Staff Dress Code
- 4.23 Alcohol and Drug Use
- 4.20 Health and Safety Program
- 4.24 Bullying and Harassment.pdf
- 4.25 Bullying and Harassment Complaint Form
- 4.26 First Aid Supplies, Equipment and Training
- 4.27 Scent Awareness
- 4.28 Smoking
- 4.29 Working Alone
- 4.30 Code of Professional Conduct
- 5.01 Admissions Policy
- 5.03 Parental Involvement Policy
- 5.04 Supervision Policy
- 5.05 Parental Appeal Policy
- 5.06 Student Records Policy
- 5.07 Responding to Child Abuse
- 5.08 Fire Safety Plan
- 5.09 Earthquake Safety Plan
- 5.10 Emergency Closing of School
- 5.11 Anaphylaxis Policy
- 5.12 School Access Policy
- 5.13 School Evaluation Policy
- 5.14 Tobacco and Vape-Free School
- 5.15 Student Technology Use Policy
- 5.16 Facilities and Equipment Policy
- 5.17 Conflict of Interest Policy
- 5.18 Student Safety
- 5.19 Fair Notice – Student Threat Assessment Protocol
- 5.20 Discrimination Protection Policy
- 5.21 Anti-Bullying Policy
- 5.22 Food and Nutrition Policy
- 5.23 PIPA Policy
- 5.24 Potable Water Testing Policy
- 5.25 Emergency Lockdown Policy
- 6.01 Curriculum Policy
- 6.02 Biblical Integration Policy
- 6.03 Learning Resources Policy
- 6.04 Library Policy
- 6.05 Calendar & Schedule Policy
- 6.06 Field Trip Policy
- 6.07 Educational Support Services Policy
- 6.08 Physical Education Policy
- 6.09 Program Evaluation Policy
- 6.10 Attendance Policy
- 6.12 Student Dress Code Policy
- 6.13 Student Assessment Policy
- 6.14 Academic Standards Policy
- 6.15 Homeschooling Policy
- 6.16 Student Code of Conduct
- 6.17 Sports Policy
- 6.19 Basic Instruction Guidelines
- 6.20 Transportation Policy
- 6.21 Evergreen Certificate Policy
- 6.22 Challenging and Equivalency Policy
KCA Accessibility Plan
At Kootenay Christian Academy, we are committed to providing a learning and working environment that supports all students and staff and provides equitable opportunities to support our diverse community. A key element to supporting our community is the development of a Three-Year Accessibility Plan. This plan identifies system needs, priorities, and action plans, and draws on feedback from our school community and the work of the Accessibility Committee to enhance equity of access to programming and our facilities.
Our Accessibility Committee is a diverse and multi-disciplinary team that meets regularly to affirm our commitment to identify priorities and develop and monitor action plans highlighted in the Three-Year Accessibility Plan. The plan identifies measurable actions across the pillars of the Accessibility Act, supporting equal opportunity for persons with disabilities by identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to access.
We recognize the importance of accessibility not only for those with disabilities but also for the benefit of the entire community. We are committed to advancing the efforts of the Accessibility Committee to improve equity and ease of access to services, as well as access to our facilities. Through the actions in this Accessibility Plan, we commit to continuous improvements in developing an environment that supports all students, staff, and the larger school community.