
Elementary (Kindergarten – Grade 6)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23


Kindergarten is a full day program. The first few weeks of our program are by gradual entry. This has proven to be very successful in the adjustment for children entering school for such long days.

KCA is passionate about establishing a solid foundation for children in a safe, play-based learning environment that caters to a variety of learning styles and abilities. KCA believes strongly in kindergarten readiness and a successful kindergarten experience through a program that fosters social, emotional and academic growth. This solid foundation will transfer to further successes in later grades and in life.

KCA is interested in fostering solid groundwork in children that they can eventually build on. It is KCA’s desire to help them become people who are positive contributing members of society; people who care about others enough to help when there is a need; to be respectful, and loving while aspiring to make their dreams reality. Kindergarten is not merely the first experience a lot of children have with school. It is a building block for life. It has the potential for greatness in the lives of little people!


KCA creates a solid foundation for the students in education basics: reading, writing, science, and mathematics.



French Kindergarten to Grade 6

We try to keep French classes as predictable as possible (without being boring!) in the French classroom. This allows for plenty of repetition and a feeling of security, which is the key to successful language acquisition. We begin each and every class by repeating the phrase, “Je traverse la lignemagique” before we enter the French room. This means we are about to cross over the “magic line” where English is left behind, and French begins! It sets the mood and expectation for a French-only classroom. Students try their best to speak French only, and may ask for the “English card” whenever they are stuck (allowing them a few words in English).

If your child is new to French, or you would like to know how they can improve, they simply need to participate, participate, participate! I often tell the new students that they don’t even need to understand what they are saying right away! The comprehension will come soon enough. Our French curriculum is an oral and gesture based program, therefore, students simply need to repeat the words after me, along with the rest of the class, and copy my gestures or another students’ gestures. These gestures give clues to the words’ meaning and allow the students to eventually speak independently (receiving prompts through these gestures when needed). For more information on how it all works, check out the website at www.aimlanguagelearning.com